Tuesday, November 7, 2017

RAM Clinic 11/04/17 Appalachian Fairgrounds

     This past weekend, I had the privilege of volunteering at my very first RAM (Remote Area Medical) Clinic for a total of 13 hours. I had no idea what to expect, and I was worried that I would not be doing anything of use. My worries were quickly discarded as I entered Volunteer Registration. We signed in at 5:15am and were given our assignments. I was one of a small handful of people who had their “blood born pathogen training” and; therefore, was immediately assigned to the dentistry building. There I was a member of what they referred to as “the bucket brigade”. Myself, along with the other 8-10 volunteers who had completed the blood born pathogen training, were instructed to suit up in paper jackets, gloves, masks, and goggles and to watch carefully for the raising of the purple signs. These signs informed us that the dentist/dental students were ready for us. We would then proceed to empty the suction buckets and sterilize the tools. I had never done anything quite like this before, so it was actually really interesting, and it did not allow me to get bored very easily. I learned a lot and I was so appreciative for the opportunity to work with such interesting, caring, empathetic, and driven people.
     This clinic also helped me to notice some things that I had not understood fully about my home region. I know that this region of the country where I grew up is poorer than man other areas, but I had not previously realized the magnitude of the issue. We served between 850-900 people, all from this region, and all who do not have the funds to seek medical attention. Many of the people that I was able to see had not had access to dental care in years, and though they had to endure painful fillings and extractions over the course of this clinic, they were beyond grateful that there were still people who cared enough to help them. For this singular RAM clinic, we had over 950 volunteers working together to help as many patients as possible within our time limits. That hard work, time, and compassion did not go unnoticed.
     Overall, volunteering with RAM was a terrific experience and I cannot wait to do it again. Helping people like this is why I want to go into the medical field.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Shadowing Blog #2: Internal Medicne and Pediatrics (10 Hours)

     Over the course of the last couple of weeks, I have had the privilege of shadowing a Physician (my former pediatrician) at Internal Medicine and Pediatrics of Bristol, which is my home town. I have been shadowing on Friday afternoons, and of course, over fall break. I was very excited to begin this shadowing process because pediatric medicine is the field that I hope to enter into after medical school. Shadowing this wonderful provider, has taught me so much about what I am going to be doing, and have proven to me even more that this is what I want to do with my life. I feel that one of the most important things that shadowing shows you is what kind of provider I want to be. I don’t mean the specialty you wish to enter into, but rather the type of provider that you want your patients, colleagues, and future students to admire you because of. Over these last few weeks, I have been given another prime example of the doctor that I hope to be in the coming years.
            This shadowing experience was unlike any other that I have had previously because, as stated above, I was in a pediatric office and shadowing small children. The particular provider that I shadowed believes that anything that can be fixed (especially with small children) with natural methods and the absence of medications that could potentially cause more harm than good, should be done that way. I was able to see him write down, from memory, a recipe and directions for how to aid a child facing dehydration. I learned that an equal mixture of white vinegar and rubbing alcohol can help when someone is struggling with water in their ears. I also learned that (though this does not directly apply to children) cherry juice and celery help in relieving gout symptoms. All of these methods were completely unheard of to me, and I was absolutely fascinated to learn more. I also learned some ideas for making sure that children receive the nutrients that they need. This provider, on more than one occasion told the parents that there are 3 things every child needs: at least 1 hour of outside time per day, 2 hours (preferably less) of screen time per day, and 5 fresh fruits or vegetables per day. In order to help the kids remember this, he would always tell them that they need to eat all of the colors of the rainbow every day. He recommended smoothies with hidden ingredients and allowing the kids to help prepare their own meals.
            I was also given an immunization schedule for when children should receive vaccinations including Pediatrix, Hib, Prevnar, and Rotarix at 4mo all the way to Tdap, Gardisil, and Meningococcal between 11-12 years. This was really cool to have it laid out when vaccinations need to be given. I was also able to hear the Pediatrician defend his opinion as to why vaccines are important and necessary, especially in this world where so many parents are trying to prevent their children from receiving them.
            The most important thing, at least for me personally as a student, that I saw from this provider was the fact that he took time with his patients and made them feel as though he had nothing more interesting in the world to be doing than to be talking with them, at least for the small amount of time they had for the appointment. He remembered their names and their families and stories that he had been told many months/years before. He prayed with them and asked God to hold them and bring them peace, no matter what it was they were facing. He shared his love with them, and that is what I admired most.
            Overall, this shadowing experience was wonderful, and I am looking forward to shadowing this provider, and others in his office in the coming months. I cannot wait to learn more about what it takes to care for children in the healthcare field.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Shadowing (First 5 Hours)

This past week, I was able to begin my shadowing hours for the semester; working towards the 20-hour goal for the entirety of the semester. This week, I had the privilege of shadowing a nurse practitioner at a weight loss clinic in Johnson City, TN. This was so different than any other office that I have shadowed in as of yet, and it changed my perspective for how I had viewed weight loss clinics in the past. Previously, I had not given much thought to the workings of a weight loss clinic, and I figured they were just basically passing out diet pills to help customers lose weight. Through this shadowing experience, I learned that this was not necessarily the case.
     There are a lot more to weight loss clinics than one may be able to immediately bring to mind. At this office, the provider (along with the staff) stress the importance of a healthy lifestyle including exercise and a well-balanced diet. Yes, there are some medications/injections that are given to the patients in order to help them “kick-start” their energy and or suppress cravings and overbearing appetite, but that is not the primary focus of this clinic. They truly want their patients to succeed in their weight loss journeys and offer encouragement for every step along the way. The patients come in for a monthly weigh in and to pick up any prescriptions that they may be getting. At this appointment, they discuss with the provider how they have implemented previous health style discussions into their own lives, how they feel that they have done with progress, and whether or not they faced any issues throughout the month that may have had adverse effects on their weight loss. The provider then tells the patient whether they need to “keep doing what they are doing” or whether or not some aspects of their efforts need to be modified in order to produce an overall healthier being.
I found it very interesting how the providers tied everything back to weight, many of which I was not total aware of. One’s body weight affects so much when it comes to health and preventative measures. Excess weight can affect anything from back/leg pain and overall discomfort to cardiac/respiratory issues and organ failure. The hope that this clinic and its providers hold is that they are making a difference in their patient’s health and helping them to protect themselves from serious ailments.
All in all, shadowing here has been a very interesting and informative experience. I learned a lot about nutrition/exercise (including small activities that one does not normally associate with exercising) and about how body weight and one’s BMI can affect so many other things. I plan on coming back to this clinic to shadow more later on in the semester and hope to continue to learn more about the importance of advocating for a healthy lifestyle when working with patients.