This semester I have decided to choose a project for Colloquium that will allow me to grow in an area that I have been interested in since I was a small child and in an are that I feel may be of benefit to me in my career down the road. I have decided to begin learning/studying American Sign Language (ASL). I feel that this will aid me in the future when working with deaf or hard of hearing patients in a medical setting. My overall goal is to become fluent enough to understand and be able to carry on a basic conversation. I plan to spend between 1-3 hours per week (depending on time required for other classes/events and stress levels) and I will plan to post updates weekly or biweekly with the list of words/phrases I am learning, the challenges I face while learning, and my memory triumphs along the way. I will also be posting the sources that I used as guides in the learning process. At the end of the semester, I would like to post a video on this blog of myself telling a story, or at least summarizing what all I have learned throughout the semester. I feel this will help me to become a more well-rounded and understanding person.
This being said, I will post the words and phrases that I will begin working on this week below:
- Hello
- Goodbye
- Yes/No
- Thank you
- You are welcome
- Deaf
- Hard of Hearing
- Hearing
- I understand
- I don't understand
- It's nice to meet you.
- Family Signs:
- Mom
- Dad
- Grandmother
- Grandfather
- Boy/Girl
- Marriage
- Brother/Sister
- Uncle/Aunt
- Baby
- Single
- Divorced
- Love
- Friend
- Share
- Signs for Places:
- Home
- Work
- School
- College
- Store
- Church
- Come
- Go
- Car/Drive
- In/Out
- With
- Time Signs:
- Day
- Night
- Week
- Month
- Year
- Future
- Past/Before
- Now/Current
- Today
- Finish/Done
This list may be expanded if I find that I have more time than anticipated this week, and if so, I will let everyone know what words/phrases were added. I will let everyone know how this first week of ASL goes with my next blog post!
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